Bendable Maine
Asset 24
Bendable Maine Digest
A monthly update on the lifelong learning system being shaped by Mainers for Mainers
What's New?

When it launches next summer, Bendable Maine promises to make all kinds of learning available to the state’s residents, giving them access to courses on everything from boatbuilding to Bach to baking, as we like to say.

This month, we’ve been focused on the boatbuilding—along with a number of other occupations that are cornerstones of the Maine economy now and are poised to play a critical role in the future.

The Bendable team held a series of meetings with industry representatives and workforce development officials to begin mapping out Career Collections—online learning pathways, curated by local employers and other experts, that help to prepare people for some of the most in-demand jobs in their area. As Mainers complete Career Collection courses, they will receive digital badges to mark their progress.

The Bendable team is being guided by Maine’s 10-year Economic Development Strategy. As the report notes, “The skills needed to sustain a successful workforce are changing as the world changes, and that means our workforce must be prepared to evolve with them as well.”

Bendable Maine can’t wait to help folks get from here to there.

Bendable fellows
The Bendable team from the Drucker Institute and Maine State Library meet in Augusta with representatives of the tourism industry to explore the skills needed to build a career in their sector.

The Bendable team from the Drucker Institute and Maine State Library meet in Augusta with representatives of the tourism industry to explore the skills needed to build a career in their sector.

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