
What do you want to learn?


The place your community comes to learn

Find your Bendable

A community-centered learning marketplace

Bendable is a digital platform that provides people with access to free learning content in areas that matter to them the most, including work skills, personal technology, financial literacy, well-being and effective parenting.

“Bendable has been an important tool for our library to meet a need in our community for accessible and affordable continued learning outside of traditional education.”

– Norah Alwalan Bendable specialist at the St. Joe County Public Library

The learning people need, available through the places they trust


Thousands of resources on each Bendable site are curated to meet the learning needs of a particular group of users at a specific location, whether they are library patrons, K-12 parents at a school’s family resource center, residents of a senior living community or supportive housing, or participants in a job center, youth center or community center program.


Running an in-person learning workshop is a breeze with Bendable’s step-by-step guides. They’ll explain how to access a particular video or short reading on Bendable, and then lead a discussion with participants on the topic.


It’s easy for any location to become a learning center with our posters, table-top signs and quick-guides for people to sign up and start using Bendable. The Bendable team will train local staff to implement the program, as well as provide ongoing technical support and insights reports to keep things humming.


Bring Bendable to your library.

Schedule a conversation.


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