
What does your community need to know?



Conect the people you serve with the resources they need.


A better way to share

Bendable is the resource-sharing platform that’s always featuring the right stuff, whether it’s:
  • high-quality online learning (starting with our base catalog of more than 1,500 courses from trusted partners)
  • community services
  • vital civic information
  • your own events, classes or info guides

A better way to ‘shop’

For the people you serve, every Bendable resource is searchable, browsable and likable.

Users interact with Bendable like a shopping app, easily discovering, connecting to and saving the resources they need.


A better way to show

Bendable usage data and analytics reports show you whether your resources are actually reaching the people you serve. You’ll also gain new insights into what your community truly needs.

“The key to any successful program is information. But unfortunately, the folks who need the information the most often don't get it in a usable, friendly way. Bendable is what's missing.”

— Robert Sainz

Executive director of New Ways to Work

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